There’s something you should know about me. A while back, I fessed up to being a self-help book addict. One major branch of this addiction is books about keeping your house clean. I love ’em. Can’t get enough of ’em. Talking Dirty With the Queen of Clean? Yeah, buddy. Big Book of Hints from Heloise? Just bought it. Sink Reflections? You know it!
You mean you haven’t heard of Sink Reflections? Dude, it’s the funky-fresh, latest release from Flylady! You are not familiar with Flylady? Well, then obviously you are either an obsessive-compulsive neat freak or a total slob who is comfortable wallowing in his or her own filth.
Flylady is my hero. She sends me helpful e-mails (sometimes over a dozen a day), reminding me to shine my kitchen sink (don’t ask) or get my big butt moving and exercise. She’s quite bossy. Come to think of it, she’s my mom! Oh, wait, no. My mom hasn’t reminded me to clean up around the house in almost 10 years.
Man, I’m old.
Anyway. In yet another random change of subject, you simply must read this. Sure, it’s cliché to link to The Onion and all, but this is damn funny. Especially if you have a dog. And if that dog (or dogs) is a dachshund.
I gotta start getting to bed earlier…
Tomorrow: When your secret internal monologue comes flying out of your mouth before you can stop it!