I just got home from the pediatrician’s, where Elliott was diagnosed with his first ear infection. Poor little guy! He was so out of sorts this morning that I knew that something was not right. I gave him some Tylenol and he finally fell asleep. Now we’ve got some antibiotics and I hope that they work quickly! He’s normally such a chill baby… When he screams and cries and nothing makes him happy, now that is totally weird.
Auggie is down for his nap, I hope. I never really know when he falls asleep. Some days he just plays in his room for 2 hours. Which is fine with me for the most part, I guess. He’s “resting” and so I also get to rest. He’s such a little motor-mouth these days! And he’s taken to making up words, so in the middle of telling you something (which is already challenging enough to understand), he’s occasionally throwing in some gibberish word. Plus, it’s not enough that you simply listen to what he’s saying — you have to acknowledge that you understand him too. It’s like living with the freaking Verbal section of the SAT! The three year old demands that you prove your comprehension! Sigh.
He read his first word today, though, which is pretty amazing. “Dog” a classic. It still counts, even though it was on TV, right?
Speaking of dogs, we have
doggie frustrations too. Jake, our black and tan guy, has had some weirdness with his right eye. It’s been really red and weepy, so I took him to the vet. He looked at it and said, not only is it red and weepy, but the pupil isn’t reacting to light. After a week of antibiotic ointment with no improvement, we’re scheduled to see the doggie ophthalmologist next week. Yesterday, our vet said that he couldn’t even see his retina, which sounds bad, but I have no real idea what it means. It sounds like the possibilities are glaucoma or a tumor, which I can’t even deal with thinking about right now. Tim and I have made several jokes about medical marijuana for the Jake…