Today was one of those “What happened?” kind of days. Here it is, after 11, and I don’t know where the time went. We did the play group thing, we did the lunch at the Bread Co. thing (I won’t mention Auggie’s unfortunate unseating of my Diet Pepsi all over the floor, of course), we did the Pier One thing (votive holders and votives for $3.50? I feel like I’ve died and gone to IKEA!), we did the home thing, I did the work on my publication thing while Auggie did his turn the house inside-out thing and suddenly, Tim was home!
Of course, since we had such a lovely time with the play group this morning at the Science Center, Auggie started rubbing his ears this afternoon, assuring my swift, but fair, expulsion from said play group. He was pretty out-of-sorts for the rest of the day.
Now, we’re supposed to get some amount of snow (the projections vary in doom from station to station) and I’m supposed to pick up my brother and sister-in-law from the airport tomorrow afternoon. Oh, and my son has a probable ear infection, so we need to fit in a visit to Dr. Scott somewhere in there. Yippee.
I’m never going to find the time to replace my tres expensive face lotion, am I? Here the air is, drier than a crouton at the Old Country Buffet, and my face is completely unprotected! The humanity.
I’m sure that the Apple Store will call tomorrow with the replacement for my rapidly ailing battery. I’ve contacted Battery Hospice and they’ve started the morphine. Just hold on till Auntie Blog gets here, baby.
Did I mention that I’m a wee bit tired? I apologize for my increasingly esoteric ramblings. And does anyone really know what “incandescent” means? I’m off to Webster’s to find out!