Whole lotta nothin’

Some fun moments from Auggie’s second birthday party:

  • Tim and I being completely distracted party hosts, trying to socialize with friends while simultaneously not burning the food or slicing our fingertips off.
  • The typical confusion of the two-year-old while opening presents: ‘Now, why can’t I play with that amazing toy that I just opened?’
  • My friend Susan asking what we used to marinate the portobella mushrooms, since she hasn’t found a good technique yet. ‘We just threw them on the grill.’
  • All of the kids at the party sticking their fingers in the cake’s icing at some point before it was actually sliced.
  • Auggie acting all shy during the rendition of “Happy Birthday”, hiding his face in my shoulder, but instantly signing “more” once everyone stopped singing.

Last week just kinda passed in a blur. I can’t get a general picture of what happened, just moments that flash in my mind like one big movie montage cop-out set to the tune of “Do You Believe In Magic?” I led my first La Leche League meeting on Monday night, and it went pretty OK. I was nervous, but there were only three moms there, so no biggie. The next one will be easier. Tuesday, I was completely ticked at myself for gaining 2 pounds. But, oh, the excuses I had! Birthday cake, Taco Bell, drinks galore, frozen custard too! Whatever.

One of my dearest friends is heading off to the Redding Festival soon. She leads such an amazing life, and there really is no one else in this world who deserves happiness more than her. Sometimes, I try to imagine what her life must be like — meeting rock and roll heroes like Paul McCartney and Neil Young, traveling all over, spending weekends on Long Island at their beach house. Sigh. My life pales in comparison, yet I still feel incredibly happy.

Life is good. My husband is the best. My son is the funnest kid I know. My family is really fun to be around. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. But I had the greatest Jason Pettus-esque fantasy this weekend that Tim and I should stick around here for five years hoarding money, and then travel the world, spending six months to a year in all of the places we’ve always wanted to go: New Zealand, Australia, Great Britain, Ireland, Japan, the list goes on… Auggie would get the greatest education learning other languages, seeing other cultures. What’s keeping us, really?